Assignment 4: Junk Drawer Drawing
Maybe you'll find something you're missing while you're at it!
Hi friends,
Your assignment today is to draw faces using objects from your junk drawer!
You’ll need:
Go digging. The junk drawer is a chaotic sort of portrait of a person… things kept but also abandoned, in a way? I found in ours: clothespin, coffee scoop, D-ring, paypal card reader, unidentified key, a very long nail, and a mysterious cupboard handle that I didn’t recognize. AND, my long lost blackwing pencil, thank goodness.
Lay out a piece of paper, and with your chosen drawing materials, trace your junk drawer objects to create a face. Who’s been living in your junk drawer!?
Send me your junk drawer residents if you like! I’d love to meet them. And feel free to post on instagram: tag me @ saradellefowler and #ifsothenwhat, but only if you really want to. Remember, this is for *you*!
P.S. Interested in faces? I’ve been very enamored by Kitty Crowther’s monoprint faces lately, which are part of what inspired this assignment today. She’s also a brilliant children’s book author/illustrator.
P.P.S. And another in the realm of faces and art assignments… you may already be familiar with the work of Wendy MacNaughton, extraordinary illustrator and see-er of people. She recently published this one-pager in the NYT about a public drawing project she undertook in San Francisco. Apologies for those without NYT subscriptions, find more info on her instagram!
Be well,